Quitter: Good Luck Not Dying
by Trace Ramsey
I wondered what a small book was doing in my zine pile, it seemed to break the rules a little until I researched the lineage. Quitter: Good Luck Not Dying is the compiled work of zine author Trace Ramsey. Trace wrote and compiled Quitter. A zine from way back in 2005, squeezing them altogether into this bound gem in 2008 and again in 2014. It is very much worth many editions until every lit fiend on the planet gets their peeps on a copy. This is raw thoughts from someone who sees through the smokes and mirrors. Each chapter is a short essay on what is happening in his world. Moments from his youth, lost moments, working for the man and the toll it zaps from your body and psyche. It runs in and out of socio-economic scenarios and the perceptions on the working class, his and what others see. It deals with those moments of poverty, desperation and why striving to be something that there are far too many of, is a waste of time. Trace is into quitting big time, but in so doing becomes a winner. There is a beautiful, witty level headiness that starts your motor with emphatic nods of knowing “Yes, we are made for more than this…” the future isn’t looking the brightest. This zine is available through Pioneers Press. (Reviewed by Abbie Foxton)